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Why Looking For Support In All The Wrong Places Is Hurting You and Your Business

Writer's picture: Her ImageHer Image

Crying Comic Girl Canvas Print

We all know becoming an entrepreneur can be a headache in itself. From choosing a logo, determining the legal entity, to ordering business materials, creating your product and selling it. For some, it may be a breeze while for others its a catastrophe.  As a new entrepreneur in the game it will come natural for us to look for support in our friends and family members. But, what do you do and where do you go when that support isn’t quite what you were looking for?

*Phone Rings*

“Hey Sis, I seen you on Facebook posting about your little hair business or whatever. That’s what up! I was wondering if you could slide me a little best friend discount! What do you say bestie?”

Beware of the “Bestie Support System”. You know the, sisters from another mister, the ones that be quick to follow you to the club but slacking when talking business, the ones that want to support but expect because they're your "bestie", you're supposed to look out. They will hound you until you finally break down and give into their wants and their needs. You would think that someone as close to you as your best friend would be willing to support you without hesitation but sometimes they may fall short of your expectations. Don’t let this discourage you, press on sister.

*Wall Post on Facebook*

“Hello to my beautiful and favorite niece! Auntie loves you very much! I see you are doing event planning full time now, which is great and Auntie is so proud of you! You know my wedding is coming up…”

I’m just going to cut that off right there. Stand clear of the “Annoying Auntie” or any family member for that matter. You know the ones that are so quick to ask for the "family favor" but never provided a favor in return, the ones that tell you you're do great only during a time of convenience, the ones that show face when it involves something that could potentially benefit them. They will try to make you feel bad for saying no. Trust me when I say that nine times out of ten they will use the “Family Card” as if it really means something to them. Most of the times they don’t expect a discount, they want your product or services for free, with blank promises that they will promote you to their friends/coworkers. Ultimately, it will be your decision that alters how this situation may play out but you have been warned!

I believe that this next one takes the cake.

For those of you who are in a relationship and you don’t have the support of your significant other, it can be hard. Especially if you have a lover and best friend type of relationship and they are doing the bare minimum when it comes to supporting your vision. When you are trying to run some ideas by them and they just blow you off or appear uninterested. When they belittle your business to make it seem less important. This can really throw you off your path and deter you from the main focus. Relationships have a huge impact over our lives in general. But don’t let the lack of support throw you off course from your dream.

I know sometimes its sad, unfortunate and distracting when those you expect support from or that you support don't support you. Continuing to rely on them is only doing you and those that need what you have to offer a disservice. You will soon find out that your biggest supporters will be people that you’ve never met: friends of friends, fellow entrepreneurs or the neighbor next door that you has never spoke a day in your life. You must remember that SOMEONE is always watching and rooting for you. Instead of stressing and causing your families lack of support to deter you from your goals, exert all your energy into those that will and do support you. Exert all of that energy into creating content for those that need what you have to offer.

Regardless of how you're feeling; the days of doubt and feelings of discouragement don't stop putting out content, keep progressing and always have a positive attitude.

"As long as you keep up that beautiful aura and amazing energy, you attract those that need what you have to offer. You are bound to attract success, its in our blood!"

- Michelle


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