If I had a dollar for every time someone asked me, "Why aren't you wearing a bra?" I'm sure at this point, I'd be able to pay for a two week BAEcation. Not only is it utterly annoying to be asked this constantly but, the fact of the matter is that they are MY Ta Ta’s! For starters, I don't have big boobs nor am I a part of the "Itty Bitty Titty Committee". However, I think I have nice boobs and I said THINK because I actually don't even know what size bra I wear because... I simply don't wear them. Maybe, I wear a size 36 B, maybe a C but who's keeping track, right? The only time I wear a bra is during physical training and that's only because its work affiliated, however, if it wasn't for that, I honestly wouldn't give a damn to wear a bra.
Now for my DD sistas, my opinion (not that anyone asked but) is that you LET THEM HANG SIS! To hell with the "It's not lady like" or "Your body is your temple and it should be covered by all means" or my all-time favorite one, "Men will stare at you if your nipples get hard." I call bullshit! I feel like people are gonna stare at what they want to stare at regardless of whether you have on a bra or not. Now in my case, I'm cute, so they'll be staring anyway. I can only speak for my size ta ta’s but I can imagine how uncomfortable it is to wear a bra 24/7.
As women we are put into a box, and are expected to act a certain way, present ourselves a certain way and dress a certain way. As a black woman we are put into an even smaller box, simply because we're black. I would try to answer this question revolving around the idea of having to wear a bra but honestly, I can't. The whole bra war is just one more thing added to our long list of things we "can't" do. While we could cry about it, complain and continue to conform to the never-ending list of "things that makes a woman a lady", we could also just be free and LET THEM HANG.
We recently took a poll on my personal Instagram (@pinkmatter_meech) asking people how they felt about going bra-less. Of those that responded to the poll, 100% said they prefer going bra-less and or don't have a problem with it. Take a peek at a few of the responses below.

I use to be so self-conscious about having a nipple print and now I'm like HELLOOOO!
Life is too short to follow these "made up" rules. Embrace your WOMB-manhood, live carefree and if you prefer to go bra-less well then, LET THEM HANG SIS.
What are your thoughts on this topic? Do you prefer to go bra-less or rather wear a bra?
- Meech