The Best MAN for the job is the WOMBman
Where Our Vision Meets HER Image is an online digital magazine and platform that aims to provide a virtual hub for the infamous womanists next door. Television, media, social media, news, musicians, blogs, comedians, movies, etc have not done black women justice with positive representation.
Our mission is to preserve the role of black women in the feminist movement. We are the voices of millennial Black Feminist. We aim to feed the beasts that be surrounding the idea that "colored women" are less than that of their counterparts. Our goal is to promote an engaged and thoughtful dialogue surrounding black women in life. Her Image operates online here at, via social media outlets, vocally through our weekly Facebook Lives and IGTV, and on the ground with our periodic events. These events serve as a platform for female entrepreneurs, aspiring professionals, business owners and creatives to network, expand their brand, their audience and share their authentic voices and concerns with the world.
Her Image intends to be a fresh voice for modern black feminism.
What you can expect from Her Image.
We will not compromise our voices to appeal to the masses and we will not tolerate any disrespect. We will not ignore the stigmas that remain surrounding black women in business. We will not turn our noses to contradictory policies in this gender & multicultural segregated society to make anyone comfortable. Our voices are diverse which makes us unique and our stance dynamic.
Our purpose is to lead the way for young generations to come by not ignoring mainstream media nor ignoring gender inequality in business. There will come a time where our young girls may be subject to the hardship of being a colored woman in America and she must stand STRONG with PRIDE
and CONFIDENCE knowing that she is one of the most powerful beings that remain on planet earth, WOMBman. We will not only discuss feminism and activism, but we will also provide them with a platform to grow and spread awareness of their brands.
However, prior to a woman ruling the world, she must first ensure her cup is filled, she must be confident in that she is Healed, empowered as she will also Empower others and not only have respect for herself but also gain RESPECT for other women. See you at the finish line QUEEN!