NO! They aren't. Black Men Are Not Intimidated By Strong Black Women. However, we must keep in mind the term "man" is used way too loosely.
1. an adult human male.
synonyms: male, adult male, gentleman...
Way too often powerful women find themselves in a bind when they're up against those of the opposite sex. We see this commonly in the work field and lately we've been seeing this more in the dating world as well. In the past couple of years we have seen more and more women leading the pact in the media. Although this has allowed for more women to succeed and gain support work wise it has also backfired in the dating world.
If you were to ask a man today if he would date a powerful, strong or independent woman he'd say...
If you were to ask a man what qualities he looks for in a woman, he'd say something along the lines of, "I want a woman with a nice personality, can cook, confident, smart (and if he's honest he'll add) and beautiful", Unless of course he's the type that says, "Looks aren't everything, I don't care how she looks. I care about mindset." While that may be true for many, it's not true for all. Regardless of the many answers you may receive from men you'd never hear words like power and independence. The reason for this is simple. But before we acknowledge what the reason is let's share the background.
From the moment our royal toes stepped foot on this corrupt soil we were stripped of all virtues, morals and standards. During slave times black women and black men held separate roles and were rarely allowed to fornicate. While white men had their way with black women, black women and black men were exempt from courting one another. After slavery evolved (and I say evolved because many of us are still very much slaves), Amerikkka resorted to alternative methods to maintain slavery through imprisonment, separating black fathers from their homes forcing women to step into a role that men commonly dominate. From there, women fell dependent on government resources which indirectly compensated from the missing piece to the puzzle. Women were forced to be single mothers and raise their children alone. While this was not the fault of the black man this definitely contributed to the reason why men believe that women are more "masculine". Considering women became the primary caretaker both homemaker and worker there was no time to worry about a man or father figure, though that figure is a necessity in the home. Within due time the view of the black man in some women's eyes changed from a need to just a desire, a want rather than a necessity. Because of this men felt a sense of lack in certain areas that may have been their areas of expertise; money, sex, protector. Just as they (the government) wanted, the black king was no longer a king, in his eyes.
All of this indirectly caused the black man to look at the black woman that was content and secure with being the only household figure having both money and power, as a threat. Although the black woman was not at fault for this, some black men felt as though they were and in return resorted to demeaning their journey, accomplishments and stature. & here we have prototype A: Broken Black Man. US 100 : Black Culture -1000
While many men are very much so attracted to strong black women, some are convinced that a strong black woman is incapable of submitting to a black man therefore they want nothing to do with them. Their insecurities cloud their judgment and forces them to seek women that are weak, pushovers, insecure themselves and/or quite frankly, WHITE!
Dear Black King,
It is your queen. I am not the enemy. I am simply a representation of you, with divine feminine energy. This my king, is an asset to our union. This is a resource for our to get back to our royal ties and be the king and queen we were always destined to be. Because I am strong, independent, powerful and sometimes loud because I need the white supremacists to here me this does not negate you of your kinship. You are welcome in this home. You are a virtue in this kingdom. Our throne is less powerful without you here. Don't you see, you are giving them exactly what they want. Imagine what our community, culture and this country would be like with a world of powerful black beings. EXACTLY! When you are ready to have me as I am, power and strength then we will welcome you with open arms.
- Your Queen (otherwise known as what you hate to hear #BlackFeminist)
- Dee