Now more than ever, anyone with a cellphone can launch a business or a side hustle online. It’s common to get distracted, see hair companies or boutiques and think -- I’ve always been interested in that, I can do it too. If you are truly passionate about launching a retail store online, go for it but the real money move is often overlooked. Starting an online store or brand will cost money upfront, that won’t generate instant profit right away. You’ll have to invest in inventory, a logo, websites, packaging ect. The money you make from sales will more often than not, go back into the business for marketing and inventory. Since there is almost nothing new under the sun, you will have to constantly market to put your brand in front of new eyes. If you are looking to make money fast launching a typical store or brand may not be the best route.
Instead, consider becoming an influencer.
I know when you hear that word you may cue the eye roll but hear me out. You do not have to be a celebrity, insta-model with the perfect body, nor a gym rat to earn money as an influencer. Those things may help if it’s actually a part of your lifestyle but they are not mandatory. An influencer is simply someone who uses a product or service in a way that influences others to give it a try as well. It doesn’t have to be a beauty or fitness related product either. It can be your latest amazon purchase, cleaning supplies and even apps have referral programs now. You're probably thinking you don't have a large following so it doesn't apply to you but micro-influencers have an influence too.
Here’s why you should consider it:
-Influencers have one of the highest ROIs of all side hustlers/entrepreneurs.
They post and share products that they already use so there’s no need to buy inventory. They refer people to the link where they purchased the product so they don’t need a website of their own. They get paid for referrals. All money in, no additional money out.
-You are already doing it!
Go scroll down your timeline. Have you ever tagged a brand in your caption on IG? I don't care if you have only seven followers on IG. That's 7 new or repeat eyes that you have shown the brand, to making it more likely for that company to earn more money. Have you ever tagged your friend in a post of something you want to buy or a funny meme? That’s being an influencer too.
-Someone will get paid from your influence, it might as well be you.
Black women are the most valuable influences right now. We make up two of the most under-represented demographics -- black people and women. In the past, corporations could get away with dismissing us because we didn’t have the buying power nor representation. Now that social media has given us all a level Soap Box they have no choice but to appeal to minorities. They NEED our influence and they are going to use it to sell whether we charge or not. As we speak, some big brand or overseas company is looking at our demographic to think of their next product. You see this heavily in the beauty industry. Every-time we come up with a hair trend or technique, beauty brands change the way they market their product. We make wigs, they all of a sudden start calling dome caps, wig caps. Stay Woke!
As women we are natural influencers. Whether we like it or not we command
attention and influence people to react. There will always be something to say about the way we dress, wear our hair, and carry ourselves. Instead of just giving them something to talk about, put a referral link in your bio and give them something to buy. What are your thoughts on this topic? Leave a comment below or connect with us on our social media platforms and if you are an influencer share your platforms below so that we may connect with you.