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Moon Magic + your Menstrual

Writer's picture: Her ImageHer Image

Updated: Jul 28, 2019

When we think about our cycles we more than likely only think of a small fraction of dreadful experiences such as:

  • being an emotional wreck

  • convincing ourselves that this is the time where we'll actually bleed to death

  • mood swings

  • Cramps

  • Depression / undeserving pain.

It’s to the point where all we want to know is “Am I pregnant? And if not, when will this torture be over?” That’s completely understandable but according to may ancient practices, if we listen a bit closer, our menstrual cycles have a lot more to say on a spiritual level.

As you know that week of agony is only a small fraction of your 28-30 day cycle. This internal cycle that we go through is actually a reflection of the larger universal cycle. Before technological advances, men depended on us to not only tell them the time of the day but help them prepare for upcoming events such as war and harvest. They needed our intuition and connection to the universe. In the words of Queen B “The men run the world but the women set they tempo”. Although society has evolved to demise the role of a woman's intuition it’s quite evident that economy and political statute and every community reflects the consciousness of the women.

You can not fully understand your worth as a woman if you dumb the ritual of woman-hood down to merely pain and a natural pregnancy test. We are literally living, breathing, walking mythical miracles. Like how dope are we to be human but also encompass this morphing energy that only we possess. Think about it like the law of energy. The universe wouldn’t curse us with this pain ritual unless it had a divine gift connected to it. Hey, did we really expect the power to give life to be free and easy?

Tapping into the beauty and power of menstruation starts with understanding it. Well, understanding it to the best of our ability because even with all of our scientific advances, there’s still a mystic about it that science cannot explain. That's where spirit and intuition takes over.

The menstrual cycle is 28ish days and are very similar to the seasons on earth. Each cycle is another opportunity for personal + spiritual growth.

Below I’ll dive into a common way to relate the weeks of our cycle to the season. Keep in mind, it’s your body and you know best. Some women may consider their week 1 to feel more like winter so just use this as a standard to understand your menstrual journey.

Week 1 - Reflect + Release / Spring

This is the week of bleeding. Your body is releasing the parts of you that were physically preparing for new life. Spiritually your body is analyzing what you need to release mentally in order to move forward and prepare for what’s next. The majority of discomfort felt during this week comes from us fighting this natural cycle. Our body needs to rest and be alone but we still have to work, and take care of responsibilities. This is the time to be quiet and very intuitive to what our inner self is telling us. Rest as much as possible and don;t hesitate to tell others that you need space. Meditation is essential during this time. Listen to what your body is telling you by simply being quiet.

Week 2 - Create / Summer

This is the time to create and bring forth the visions you received during week 1. When you’re in alignment, you’ll notice an increased sex drive + more physical energy as you get closer to ovulating. You may also feel more extroverted due to the estrogen boost.

Week 3 - Reward / Fall

In week one you were intuitive, in week two you put in action toward your intuition and week three is when you reap what you've sewn. You may also feel a tad bit on the depressed side especially if you weren’t productive toward what the universe was guiding you to do. This is the week after ovulation, so your body no longer has that added estrogen keeping you perky like in week two. It’s okay, don’t beat yourself up just acknowledge that you are in alignment and going through the necessary process.

Week 4 - Clarity / Winter

During this week the results are in and frozen in stone. Your body begins to face the facts and accept what has occurred during this cycle. Either you will be highly irritated, which will result in mood swings or PMS attitudes or on the flip side you may feel content but still don’t want to be bothered. You may begin to push people away to prepare for your next cycle.

Being aware of these stages will allow you to work with the energy instead of against it. This theory of the cycle may not resonate with you until you become more in tune with your body. Even still, after becoming body conscious you may still feel that your cycle does not align with this philosophy and that’s okay. The object is to learn you and tap in to the way that the spirit speaks to you on a regular routine. Lastly, these cycles are acting off of your hormones and many things can throw that off including birth control.

This may be a lot to take in if you are just beginning your journey to dive deeper into self discovery but the most important takeaway is to know that you are powerful and understanding who you are as a woman will heighten that power. Being aware of the spirituality of your period can relieve anxiety, reduce PMS, and boost your confidence. Take advantage.

- Melinda


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