Natural hair Professional takes a new approach at self-care and natural hair love through young girls. I'm sure you’ve probably heard of the common saying, “my hair was long until my mother put a perm in it”. But in reality with the proper knowledge, anyone has the potential to have quality hair.
Traveling chemistry student and licensed Natural Hair Specialist, Jasmine Watson develops a "Lunch and Learn" in Florida, to instruct young girls, ages 4-11, on proper hair care routines through hands-on instructions on how to achieve the latest, trendiest, protective styles. Their Sponsor HairnhandLLC has a wonderful selection of natural based, kid-friendly products available at www.hairnhand.com. Also check out Events vía Hairnhand.com to be updated on the next upcoming BRAIDS, BEADS, And BARBIEZ Braiding Camp with Dr. McBRAIDER💗
