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Dissecting The Theory Of Toxic Black Feminists

Writer's picture: Her ImageHer Image

Updated: Dec 3, 2018

 I believe in women's rights. I believe in equal opportunity. I believe in gender equality. I believe that pay should not depend on your gender or race, but rather your stature, experience, reputation and work-ethic.

Lately, there has been this theory looming on the horizon that feminism was derived from a place to emasculate men. I hear these ideas of where feminism comes from, and what feminism is about and I want to feel some type of way, I want to blame you for being ignorant to the fact and ignoring the issues that not only women face, but even worse BLACK WOMEN. But I don't blame you. No, I don't blame you at all for not being a feminist or even being against feminism. Why, you ask? Because it is not that you hate feminist, you just don't quite understand us as much as you'd like to believe that you do. 

Feminism (fem-i-nism) noun

the advocacy of women's rights on the basis of the equality of the sexes.

Women's movement, feminist movement, women's rights.


Now that we have cleared up what feminism is, I must add that it is the opinions and ideas of a weak man, probably a man that beats women, a man that has nothing going for hisself or maybe he is a CEO, or Trump (who knows?) and he believes that women don't have the mental or even physical capacity to be on the front lines, that came up with the idea that feminism was derived from a place to emasculate men. For years, man, especially the white man have been "superior". Men have been empowered by both men and women with regard to pay status and the stigma that men are "tougher" and "harder workers" in general; which indirectly supports the idea that woman is not equal to man. 

In my opinion, when we tag adjectives to gender we indirectly support the idea that the opposite gender is the antonym in that case. With regard to adjectives, this is a case by case basis in terms of the individual at hand rather than gender. When we speak in these terms we are allocating sexism.

Sexism (sex-ism) noun

Prejudice, stereotyping, or discrimination, typically against women, on the  basis of sex.


This leads me to ask the question, do you believe that it is okay for a man to be paid more because he is a man?

Yes.. well then you're sexist!

No.. well, guess what?


We are not emotional, man-hating bitches, with boobs and vaginas, that bleed once a month and complain about everything and need to quit being flipping cry-babies. Feminism is not about women proving that "We don't need a man for anything" because quite frankly we still expect you to pay for dinner more often than not. Feminism is about acknowledging reality, acknowledging that since the beginning of time (in biblical terms) that women can't do anything right because Eve apparently ate the apple from the tree and the world was cast with sin and for millennials to come the woman had to carry that purposeless weight around; acknowledging that when a person says that God is a man that we are socially annotating that women are indeed inferior to men. Feminism is about women's rights, equal opportunity that jobs "have" to now acknowledge that they follow (for whatever reason, that is not the fact that women are often discriminated against), and the right to vote. 

Just like racist men and women of non-pigmented skin choose to disembark on the train that black lives don't matter in their eyes, women are being discriminated against in every since of the word. If you are not feminist and you choose to remain blind to the fact makes you at best Evangeline Lilly, who stated that feminism is associated with women trying to be men. WOW! or Kelly Clarkson, who stated that feminism is about women not needing men. I don't know about you or her, but I still call my partner to the kitchen to help me open a jar of pickles. Slap me for being a feminist and not understanding feminism in that sense. or Bjork who stated she doesn't identify as a feminist but you could probably call her mom one since she isolated herself all her life from men and therefore society. I don't know about you or her but when it comes to men, you can't live with them and I damned sure can't live without one. I have needs to you know.

Not acknowledging women's inequality at the worst.... Well, at the worst you're Donald Trump.

Quite frankly, nobody wants to be Donald Trump except probably Donald Trump!

A final note:

We get it! Trust me we do. We're not physically equal. We're not mentally equal. We were not raised the same. Women are from Mars, and men, well we know they're from from like pluto or something. Wait, no! Men are from Venus and women are from Mars. Dangit, I messed that up again, I guess its the feminist in me. Okay lets try this again, Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus. We have boobs, we have a vagina, some of us bleed once a month, and we don't grow bald as quickly as most men do nor do we grow as much hair in odd places as much as men but we are indeed strong, we are just as capable, we have the mental capacity to achieve outrageous tasks, we are smart, and we are tough. 

So if you agree that women are humans, that women are people and acknowledge the inequalities we endure then you're a feminist.

WELCOME to Her Image. Where Black Feminism Lives and Her Image Matters!



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