Although, head wraps are far from new to the fashion scene the current wave of head wrap styles have penetrated the culture within the United States like gentrification. Perfect for wear to keep your heads warm in the fall and winter season and an otherwise glamorous piece to your outfit in the spring and summer. For many head wraps are just a style or an accessory while for many others its representation is much deeper than that meets the eye. Its more than a fashion statement, its a statement of royalty and unity with one-self, its a crown.
Head wraps have grown greatly in style from solid and neutral colors to prints and patterns making self-expression much more unique to every queen. I personally love the versatility, simplicity, "less is more" kind of vibes and the ultimate cure to a bad hair day that head wraps allow for. Today we can not help but scroll our feeds and see at least one queen rocking her crown (head wrap) like a true goddess.
As stated by a true queen, Lavon Green,
"Our hair is antennas to the universe. Hairs are the antennas that gather and channel the sun energy or prana to the frontal lobes, the part of the brain that you use for meditation and visualization. These antennas act as conduits to bring you greater quantities of subtle, cosmic energy. Therefore wrapping your crown is a necessity, protect your crown, protect your peace, protect your sanity, protect your energy"
We've compiled some of our favorites that rock head wraps for more than just a fashion statement but as a oath to self-care.
Quote above written by this queen so its self-explanatory why she wears her crown.

& of course Muva is always giving us a new head wrap style to try!
Here's a list of a few of our favorite places to shop for head wraps:
Do yourself a favor and crown yourself in a few luxurious head wraps from the black owned companies below!