Standing at 6 foot 2, its almost hard for Devereaux Peters to go unnoticed. Pro athlete and still in her prime, Peters is always getting asked about life in the WMBA. However, for most men the question, or more-so challenge that always seems to arise is, “Let’s play one-on-one”.
For as long as peters can remember she has always been challenged by males to prove her skills on the court. Some may look at the request as admiration or flirtatious behavior, however, Peters is aware that her breathtaking skills tend to fluster the male ego. She states that she is “TIRED” of the challenge! With her being tired, she now refuses to accept challenges from "boys" with broken dreams of making the court or lack thereof for that matter. Her challenging them does nothing for her rather than threatens what is now a career for her. A lot of women can take note from this.
“I have been playing basketball my entire life, and for just as long, I have been challenged by men who think they are better than me. I had to prove my skills in middle school against the boys who thought girls don’t play basketball. I had to prove my skills in high school when the guys’ egos were hurt because the girl’s basketball team was more successful and more popular than theirs. I had to prove it in college when grown men started challenging me to one on one games because there was no way this college woman was better than they were.”
More often than not, in what is often considered "male-dominated" industries, women have to deal with men that are intimidated by their skill-set, power, talents and intellect. Their jobs or positions are often threatened by the likes of men that lack in two or more areas, two being pride and self-esteem by default. Its quite unfortunate that in 2018 we are still dealing with gender bias and whats worse is often times it is from our black male counterparts. This fact is the result of a few things I think it is important for us to acknowledge because if as a culture we can not seize this behavior, we will continue to live up to "their" standards. Men need to start respecting talent because not only will a win for HER contribute to the likes of more women to come but it is and will always be a win for HIM and thats what a lot of men refuse to realize. The same goes when we endure losses and this whole gender prejudice thing with regard to sports is a major loss for us. Women have been doubted in everything. Time and time again we have proven ourselves only to fall short of the "YOU MADE IT" curve. You know the one where a guy will admit you're better than me, but its okay. The male pride is a dangerous drug that will forever hinder our society from combining forces and excelling as a whole. As Devereaux stated, accepting their challenge only deters you away from your ultimate goals. So when a man attempts to stroke his ego by challenging you because he's to naive, immature and insecure to accept he just didn't make the cut this time, don't even entertain him because it'll only delay your journey to greatest. The issue that these men deal with that continues to blind them from seeing that its really them and never you will continue to drive them downward.
& to all the women out their that are still enduring gender bias, Devereaux says

Devereaux feels as is she has nothing else to prove and we stand by HER! In society basketball is more so looked at as a male dominate sport. To the men out there who say women can’t hoop, think again because you clearly haven’t met Devereaux Peters! We see you queen, keep leaving their jaws on the court and in the stands.
Do women still have to prove themselves in what is often known as "male dominant" industries?
- Michelle